Registration Search

Important Information

You are about to access a copy of the Podiatrists Board list of registered practitioners holding a current Annual Practising Certificate (APC). This Register is published in accordance with part 6, s138 (1) and s149 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003. 

The Register is updated regularly. The Podiatrists Board does its best to maintain its accuracy however if you believe the information to be incorrect please contact us. Practitioners must inform the Board of address changes. Please note however, the Board does not publish addresses or phone numbers.

A copy of the Register is available for inspection at the Board office and may be purchased for a $30 fee. 

Search tips: You can use the "Search all" field below to search for registered practitioners by name, region, registration no., scope of practice, or practising status.
To view additional information such as qualification(s), scope(s) of practice, region, date of registration, and any conditions on their practice use the button.

Surname First Names Registration No Practising Status Region
Surname First Names Registration No Practising Status Region